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FERDINAND BOL - Rembrandt's Pupil

FERDINAND BOL - Rembrandt's Pupil


aetas aurea ii

Albert Blankert

1982. 4to. 382 pp. including a full catalogue raisonné, 300 ills. on 141 plates (4 in color). Cloth bound with dustjacket

ISBN 90 7028 805 2

Bol (1616-1680) has always been Rembrandt's most famous pupil. Like him he aimed at the high goal of being a history-painter, choosing themes from the bible, classical mythology and allegories as his subject matter. The name of Ferdinand Bol still serves as the collective designation of hundreds of very dissimilar paintings. The present study reduces the number of Bols to a catalogue raisonné of a hard core of under 200 ascertained pictures.

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