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BEELDESPRAECK. Register op D.P. Pers' Uitgave van Cesare Ripa's Iconologia (1644)

BEELDESPRAECK. Register op D.P. Pers' Uitgave van Cesare Ripa's Iconologia (1644)



1986. XII, 494 pp. Cloth bound.


ISBN 90 7028 823 0

In the last paragraph of his introduction to Ripa's Iconologia (above mentioned) Becker wrote: "In closing, it should be mentioned that an extensive index to Pers' translation of Ripa is being prepared at the Institute for Art History of the University of Amsterdam under the direction of Drs. H. Miedema. This project, when finished, will facilitate the systematic study of an important source."

This project is now finished and with this publication Dr. H. Miedema's index has become available. In this book are contained all conceptions, all human manifestations, attributes and attributive characteristics and all human actions, as well as synonyms occuring in the text. The spelling is modernized with the original spelling between brackets; in most cases with some contextual words, and always referring to the columns where they appear. Through this index, containing not only the Realia but all conceptions and abstracta, Ripa's book has for the first time become completely accessible as a source for historians of art, literature and ideas.

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